27 Best Bedroom Ideas in Grey for Every Decorating Style

It is little wonder that bedroom ideas in grey remain highly popular with people of all ages and tastes. Grey is one of the best possible choices for your bedroom because of the numerous advantages this color offers. Here is what you should know about this color:
- It doesn’t necessarily mean dull and comes in more than 600 shades and tones. You are sure to find one of them that is ideal for your room;
- Bright white can be a bit unpleasant to the eye, while pale grey is soothing and has a nice calming quality about it. What’s more, when you contrast black with a paler tone, the latter reads as white — an especially nice soft tone of white which is ideal for a calm bedroom;
- Grey is universal; it makes the perfect foil for any piece of furniture;
- Grey means that your eyes can have a rest — and this is precisely what you want for your bedroom.
- Various shades of dark tone are easy to combine; they underline the strong features of one another.
Let’s take a look at some examples of the use of grey in bedroom design.
Go Grey and White to Enjoy Restful Space
One of the most frequent – and popular – design ideas is to pair darker tones with white ones. They always mix exceptionally well and create a soothing yet optimistic atmosphere: an ideal place to wake up in. Here are some bedroom ideas in grey and white: inspiring, aren’t they?
The beautiful dark and white rug offsets the walls; a combination of white and grey makes the bed cozier. It is the darker color that dominates the space – and white that provides the much-needed alternative. Note that there is a potted plant that adds some green tints – there will be more about this color in a short while.
Try this simple recipe: mix white (pictures, bedcover, pillows) with black (night table), dark tone (floor), and off-white (walls). A visually rich room with a lot of contrast: a nice place to take a well-earned rest after a long day’s work.
The zebra-striped pillowcase helps the dark color (the large ottoman) and white (curtains and the rug) come finally together. One of those design ideas where modern motives meet the good old bedroom traditions. Did you notice the brightly colored armchair in the corner? It is all about optimism and having a good day — or some hours of calm reading before taking a nap.
Who says that a grey and white room cannot be chic and glamorous? Combine these two primary colors with black and blue, inject some exciting décor, and add eye-catching ceiling lights: don’t be afraid to mix styles and patterns. Note the use of houseplants in this design concept. A great nod to Nature!
Here is one more bedroom which calls it out: “I’m a woman”. Paint your accent wall in a deep tint, choose some pieces of white furniture that lack sharp corners, and throw in some elegant coziness into the picture. The fur blanket and rug, airy curtain, one-colored bedding, and a lot of pillows for those who like to relax and enjoy comfort. The ideal bedroom for Ms. Universe!
Combine Grey and Black to Add Some Drama
Add some brighter hues to the darker black tones: you both boost contrast and make your bedroom truly eye-catching. Here are some bedroom ideas in grey and black tones:
Black furniture — the dresser, bed frame, and headboard — contrasts with softer tints of the rug and walls. This color combination adds space and prevents the imposing black furniture from dominating the room.
Once again, we have darker objects — the mirror frame, chests of drawers and heavy curtains — combined with the walls and floor rug that have a considerably lighter shade. Note that the bed lamp is white — as well as the picture frame. Flowers help to add color and warmth to the room which feels large and spacious.
Here we have a combination of dark black (the head- and footboard plus posters) with lighter tones (walls) and white (walls). Dark tones help to tie the room together and soothe the overwise a tad aggressive monochrome interior.
Lots of black — with some dark tone (the walls) and white (the round window). This bedroom has some stern, masculine feeling about it. Its owner really knows what he wants to be.
You don’t have to buy some massive black furniture to contrast it with your lighter background. Produce the same effect with black pillowcases: one of those ideas that are very easy to recreate even on a small budget.
Mix Grey and Green: Optimism Is Always Here
Think that the choices of white and black are too obvious? Then why not opt for grey and green bedroom ideas? Green is located on the division line between cold and warm colors, and it will be a nice compliment to another neutral color. Use deep and bright green tints to add vitality to your bedroom and make it full of vibrant energy. Pale green is another soothing and calming shade that will be excellent for having a good night’s sleep.
Green tints dominate this bedroom, while darker tones act as a foil. Note the brightly-colored abstract painting that enlivens the space, a massive (as for this room) pendant lamp, and two elementary coffee tables.
You don’t really need a lot of green — a dab of color will be enough. Note the dark bed frame that provides contrast to the brown of the furniture and floor. Wide horizontal stripes on the wall make the room visually larger. Sure enough, there is a magnificent round mirror in an exquisite frame.
Add Together Tints of Grey and Brown
Brown — and its close relative Beige — are ideal hues to pair your dark base with. It provides warmth, lulls you to sleep, and creates a romantic mood. Use these ideas in brown to make your bedroom truly cozy:
Here we have nice neutral walls that add to the warmth of the beige bed — and to the heat of the brown cushions. Note the chandelier is influenced by modern art as well as a series of nine pictures on the wall. The bedroom that makes you want to spend the happiest moments of your life in it.
The room is full of contrasts. One wall is beige, while the two adjacent ones are grey. The beige wall is a great foil for the darker headboard. There are two chic black night lamps on both sides of the bed: they contrast with both the dark of the wall and the white of the blanket. Last but not least, there is the bright brown-colored bed cover — and well as the brown tray for the morning coffee. They add life — and give you a charge of energy.
A visually rich bedroom with a strong masculine approach. Rock-grey walls complement the brownish floor: all the surfaces seem to flow one into another. Note the deep-black TV that is placed on the darker stand; the dark sofa and the stone figurine of a rhinoceros on the grey-and-black coffee table. This bedroom is all about self-assurance — and having good taste.
Lay a Grey Carpet
The carpet for a room designer is like a canvas for an artist: use it to draw a picture you dream of. Depending on your mood and inspiration, you might get totally different pictures, but there will be exquisite beauty in all of them. Take a look at these bedroom ideas with a grey carpet:
The bedroom is mostly white and beige with grey being a foil to the pillows/chest of drawers/window. The room looks restful but not boring: there is enough contrast to remain exciting and fresh. Note the black handles on the chest of drawers and the black frame of the picture: even such minor details might significantly enhance the dynamic range of what you see.
As it was already said, you can use a very pale shade of grey to make your room look white! The chest of drawers and the bed frame of a darker tone provide contrast to the off-white furniture, carpet, and curtains. Note the large round mirror that helps the room look as bright as possible and the fireplace that gives the bedroom warmth.
Who said that grey is only suitable for the elderly? This is simply not true: just look at the picture of this modern-looking bedroom. The large windows and large ceiling lights bring contemporary vibrations, while brownish colors give the room the feeling of warmth. Note the golden pillowcases that meet their match in the bed lamp and some small pictures on the wall.
Lots of space and lots of air: this bedroom has a large dark carpet while the walls remain white. There is the bare minimum of furniture, and it is as light and compact as possible. Note the cream pillowcases and chestnut bed frame: an excellent choice for people who live alone and want a lot of space for themselves.
Paint the Walls Grey
Among the simplest — and most effective — design ideas for a bedroom is to paint the wall the shade of grey you like most and then add some accents. Dark walls will ideally combine with all kinds and tints of the floor, ceiling, and furniture.
Nice, isn’t it? Grey walls accentuate the warm color of the floor and the whiteness of the curtains. A chalkboard is one of the ideas you should try: get into the habit of writing your beloved ones a short message or an extraordinary quotation to inspire. Note the chandelier that is not too fancy — yet has lots of elegance about it.
Here we have a simple yet elegant bedroom interior inspired by the Scandinavian approach. Dark walls and rugs provide a great contrast to the potted plants and the bright lounge chair. Note that the wall lamp is black and the pendant lamp is off-white. One of the design ideas that will be ideal for a single young man or newlyweds.
Here we have the two most essential components of a truly great bedroom: a large bed (take a look at the complicated pattern on the bed cover) and large windows with a lot of light. This is the room you really want to wake up — or be woken up — in! Greyish walls here go well with the headboard and the bed frame that is a darker shade of grey. Brownish hardwood floor rhymes with sunlight!
Darker walls of the room can take away some of the light, so you really need to have a chic chandelier to give it all the light it needs. Take a look at the pink candle and bed cover: a nice bedroom for an attractive woman. It’s more than simply an image: you want to live here!
Even more eye-catching bedroom ideas in grey
Want more ideas? Here are bedrooms that defy categorization and uncomplicated descriptions. The true potential of grey knows no limits!
Lots and lots of colors: the bluish bed frame, the pink blanket, pillows blanket, the patterned ottoman, and the greenish curtains. Like in the pictures above, grey is the perfect foil for the many-colored ideas. You can change the colors any way you like — this dark shade will always serve as a reliable frame for the pictures your imagination creates.
If you need to think of a single word to describe the bedroom above, ‘serene’ will be the right one. Grey and brown form a unique ensemble: the dark chair and white lampshade underline the harmony. You feel rested and relaxed simply by looking at the photo.
The darker your wall is, the brighter adornments you can use. The tree of gold radiates warmth while the beige floor and the dark chest of drawers soothe and relax. A great bedroom to wake up and spend your very first morning moments in — simply drink your coffee and enjoy the beauty.
Although grey is only one of the colors used here (others being yellow, orange, beige and white), it serves the important function of being the base for everything else. This bedroom brings you right into the beginning of the fall, with its bright yellow shades and outstanding beauty. Ah, linger on, thou art so fair!
The final picture of our collection: a truly eye-catching design choice that won’t stretch your budget. Grey provides an excellent contrast to the bright yellow; some contemporary-art decorations add vigor and energy. You don’t have to spend a fortune for your room to look chic!
Hope you like our bed bedroom ideas in grey: it is a truly versatile color, and you can create a wide range of impressions by combining it with white, black, green, brown, and beige. Let your imagination run wild — and don’t be shy about using new ideas and design approaches. Life is beautiful; use all colors of the rainbow to underline this.